10th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
24–28 June 2024 // St. Louis, MO, USA
Softwarized Networks in the Age of Generative AI

Call for Demo Papers

Submit a Demo Paper


  • Demo paper submission deadline: April 1, 2024 [Firm] 
  • Demo acceptance notification:  April 19, 2024  
  • Camera-ready demo papers:  April 26, 2024; (Extended) May 20, 2024 


The 10th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2024) calls for demonstration proposals on research prototypes on softwarized networks. The Demo session of NetSoft 2024 is a high-profile, leading-edge forum for researchers and engineers in networking software, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), 5G and 6G networks. The Demo session offers a unique opportunity to demonstrate innovative networking software prototypes and present recent developments in Advanced Network Softwarization in the fields of AI/ML, SDN/NFV, edge/fog networking, network automation, service management, and orchestration, network slicing, energy efficiency, cloud-native deployments, and security - among other promising research areas in the context of Future Networks. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to engage with an audience of key thought leaders and world-leading network specialists to discuss emerging technologies and research prototypes. We anticipate and welcome demonstrations showcasing innovations related to networking software, principles, and concepts.


We are seeking the following types of contributions1 without implying any order of preference:

  • Demonstrations on topics related to NetSoft 2024.
  • Demonstrations from industry and academia researchers.
  • Demonstrations from emerging communication networks, 6G/NFV/SDN testbeds, and prototypes.
  • Demonstrations from authors whose contributions have been accepted in the main conference and workshops.

1. Opensource demonstrations are encouraged but not mandatory.


Prospective contributors are expected to submit a demo proposal in the form of a 3-page paper, including a demo system illustration. All submissions must be written in English and use the standard IEEE two-column conference template.

Demo proposals will be peer-reviewed, and accepted demo papers will be included in the electronic NetSoft 2024 Proceedings. The proposal should incorporate the following information:

  • Title
  • Author’s names and affiliation
  • Abstract
  • Description
  • Key networking concepts, what will be demonstrated, and distinguishing aspects from previous related work.
  • Prototype illustrations
  • Highlights of the innovation, with a clear description of novel ideas in networking software
  • A concise list of items to be demonstrated, including the logistics and physical space requirements.
  • Relevant references to the research on which the demonstration is directly based – particularly if related to a paper being submitted in the main conference or a workshop.

Demonstration proposals must be electronically submitted as PDF files via EDAS by selecting the Demo Paper Track option.

The demo proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee and will be approved based on the following criteria:

  • Adherence to the NetSoft scope
  • Significance and merit of the research contribution
  • Potential impact on the research and engineering field and beyond
  • Quality and detail of the proposed implementation
  • Presentation quality

The best demo will be selected based on the above criteria and awarded at the end of the conference with the NetSoft 2024 Best Demo Award.

The proposal may be complemented with additional documents like PowerPoint slides that clarify the demonstration and the list of technical requirements for the demonstration (power outlet, space, etc.) These documents should be sent directly to the Demo Co-Chairs via e-mail (maia@pitt.edu, kcratie@ufl.edu, pu.wang@uncc.edu ).

At least one author of each accepted demo proposal must register for the NetSoft 2024 main conference and present the demo at the scheduled demo session(s).


  • Mai Abdelhakim, University of Pittsburgh
  • Kensworth Subratie, University of Florida
  • Pu Wang. University of North Carolina at Charlotte

