10th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
24–28 June 2024 // St. Louis, MO, USA
Softwarized Networks in the Age of Generative AI


TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024, 15:30 - 17:00


Tokenized Intelligence: Redefine Network Optimization in Softwarized Networks

Enrico Zanardo (Universitas Mercatorum, Italy & University of Nicosia, Italy); Barbara Martini and Denise Bellisario (Universitas Mercatorum, Italy)

Intent-Based Attack Mitigation through Opportunistic Synchronization of Microservices

Anh Do Duc Nguyen (IMT Atlantique, France); Pierre Alain (SOTERN - IRISA (UMR CNRS 6074), Université de Rennes, France); Fabien Autrel (IMT Atlantique, France); Ahmed Bouabdallah (Institut Mines Telecom / IMT Atlantique & IRISA, France); Jérôme François (INRIA Nancy Grand Est & University of Luxembourg, France)

Extensible FRER Security Testbed in a Box

Károly Kecskeméti and Csaba Györgyi (ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary); Péter Vörös (Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary); Géza Szabó (Ericsson Research, Hungary); Sándor Laki (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)

TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2024, 15:30 - 17:00


Exploring Large Language Models in Intent Acquisition and Translation

Mattia Fontana, Barbara Martini and Filippo Sciarrone (Universitas Mercatorum, Italy)

Network-Centered Resource Management for HPC Networks

Dante Van Poucke (Ghent University - Imec, Belgium); Wouter Tavernier (Ghent University - imec, Belgium); Didier Colle (IMEC - Ghent University, Belgium)

Innovative Approaches for Network Analysis and Optimization: Leveraging Deep Learning and Programmable Hardware

Ariel Goes de Castro (State University of Campinas, Brazil); Christian Esteve Rothenberg (University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Brazil)

