10th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
24–28 June 2024 // St. Louis, MO, USA
Softwarized Networks in the Age of Generative AI

Patrons / Exhibitors


Join us for IEEE NetSoft 2024, a key IEEE conference sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, focusing on network softwarization and advances in software-defined networking that will sculpt the future of network operations and management. This single-track event offers a high-caliber technical program and fosters ample opportunities for in-depth technical and social engagement among a varied ensemble of attendees. NetSoft 2024 encourages vibrant discussions across different international research communities. Your active participation in June 2024 is highly encouraged. The event will include a special workshop tailored for doctoral students, featuring a separate call for their unique contributions. Don't miss the chance to be part of this dynamic gathering of experts and scholars in the heart of St. Louis.

Industry sponsorship opportunities

  Bronze, $2500 Silver, $5000  Gold, $8000+ 
Complimentary registration for onsite participants (full, includes banquet & workshops)      1     2     3
Communications online and onsite (logo on website, opening and closing remarks)     X    X    X
Material in conference bag (to be provided, if interested)    X    X    X
Dedicated exhibit table/stand (if of interest)      X    X
Communication & Presence at special event targeted to students         X
Logo printed on conference bag        X


For gold (or more), further detailed agreements may be proposed and discussed with the conference chairs.
