10th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
24–28 June 2024 // St. Louis, MO, USA
Softwarized Networks in the Age of Generative AI

Final Poster Instructions

The NetSoft Poster Sessions will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 12:30PM to 2PM and on Thursday, June 27, 1:30PM - 3PM (Saint Louis time) in room ISE211. An easel or bulletin board with ample tacks will be available for each poster. 

The poster session is intended to provide presentations that are judged to be best suited for this interactive format. The success of a poster session is attributed not only to the high quality of the papers but also to the authors’ adherences to the following guidelines for effective presentation in poster format. 

The key guideline is that the poster should not consist of a text copy of the manuscript. The poster should allow the attendees to recognize the key points of the work easily from a distance of at least 10 feet to facilitate more detailed discussions with the author(s). Often the best poster comprises a few large graphs/illustrations annotated clearly to show the viewer why each is significant with only enough text to headline key points like purpose, conclusions, and impact. 

Specific Guidelines 

  • Authors are responsible for the printing, bringing or shipping, set up, and teardown of their posters. 

  • Authors are expected to be present for the duration of both the Tuesday and Thursday poster sessions to answer questions. 

  • The poster will typically consist of large paper format (4 feet x 3 feet) covering the provided area. 

    • Please include the paper title and authors. 

    • Please include a brief abstract outlining the key points of the paper. 

    • Please use a minimum font size of 18 points for text and 30 points for headings. 

    • Appropriate use of color is encouraged.

Important: NetSoft 2024 is enforcing a strict publication and no-show policy as stated by IEEE. By submitting a contribution, you agree with the terms of the publication and no-show policy.  https://netsoft2024.ieee-netsoft.org/authors/publication-and-no-show-policy

Anu Mercian, Google
Maria Torres Vega, KU Leuven & Ghent University

Flavio Esposito, Saint Louis University, USA
Janise McNair, University of Florida, USA

